Welcome to Year 5! 

Dream Believe Achieve

Year 5 Teacher: Miss Barker & Mrs Huxley

Year 5 Teaching Assistant: Miss Hulley

Class contact email : year5@courtfrm.bham.sch.uk

This mailbox will be monitored by Year 5 staff for any school work related queries. 



This half-term, we will be learning about the Great Wall of China. We will be focusing on non-fiction writing to produce an information text about the Great Wall. 
We will also be exploring The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg as part of our Wow writing week. 
We will be learning to how develop characters and describe settings. We will learn how to use ambitious vocabulary (adjectives, adverbs, verbs) and fronted adverbials to add detail to our writing. 
In addition, the children will be taught fundamental writing skills to secure knowledge and understanding. These skills will include: use of apostrophes, use of conjunctions, use of tenses and use of different sentence punctuation. 


Reading is an essential life skill and it is important that children read for pleasure, whether that be fiction or non-fiction texts. 

The home reader is a book they have chosen for you to enjoy together. Please make a short note in the reading diary about your child's reading.

Please remember that you shouldn’t expect your child to read this book alone. Read it to or with them. Discuss the text, enjoy the story, predict what might happen next, explore the facts in a non-fiction book. Reading is fun!

In class, we are reading Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. Below is some detail about the story.

A desert-island adventure, and a subtle observation of friendship, trust and humanity. Winner of The Children’s Book Award.

When Michael is washed up on an island in the Pacific after falling from his parents’ yacht, he struggles to survive on his own. But he soon realises there is someone close by, someone who is watching over him and helping him to stay alive. Following a close-run battle between life and death, the mysterious stranger – Kensuke – allows Michael into his world and they become friends, teaching and learning from each other, until the day of separation becomes inevitable.



Our PE days are every Tuesday and Thursday

On Tuesdays, we will be visiting Erdington Leisure Centre for our swimming lessons, so please remember to bring your swimming kit with you.

On Thursday, we will have netball, so please remember to bring a white t-shirt, black shorts or jogging bottoms and pumps/trainers.

Feel free to have a go at a workout at home to keep fit! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3LPrhI0v-w&list=PLyCLoPd4VxBuxu3sLztrvWFehzv-LnR2c


Spellings are given to the children on Fridays. Children are tested on those spellings on the following Friday.
Please logon to Spelling Shed where you have a great opportunity to practise spellings.  


This half-term, we will be learning about multiplication, prime numbers, square and cube numbers and fractions.
We will continue to develop our arithmetic and reasoning skills as well. 
Please logon to Maths Whizz https://www.whizz.com/ to consolidate learning at home.


This term, we will be learning about Earth & Space.
In the Earth and Space project, your child will learn the names of the planets in the Solar System before creating a model outdoors to describe its scale, movement and features. They will learn how scientists throughout history used different methods to study the Solar System and came to understand how the planets orbited the Sun. They will make a model and use it to explain the orbits of the Moon around the Earth and the Earth around the Sun. They will identify the spherical shape of the Sun, Earth and Moon. They will learn how people in ancient civilisations believed the Earth was flat and how evidence proved the Earth was a sphere. They will know that the Earth's rotation creates a range of phenomena, including day and night and the appearance of the Sun rising above the horizon in the east at sunrise, moving across the sky and then setting below the horizon in the west at sunset, and use equipment to model these phenomena. They will make and use sundials to learn how people in the past used the Earth's rotation, the angle of the sunlight, and the length and direction of shadows to tell the time. They will learn that the Earth's tilt and rotation as it orbits the Sun creates different seasons and day lengths in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and the effect of similar amounts of direct sunlight all year round in the tropics. They will research the times of day on the Earth in different locations and describe how Earth's rotation creates this phenomenon. They will learn about the Moon's orbit and name and explain the eight phases of the Moon. They will research how solar and lunar eclipses occur and create labelled diagrams to show their findings. Children will complete their learning by conducting an in-depth study of either Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus or Neptune and compare the planet's scale, features and movement to that of the Earth.
https://www.stem.org.uk/resources/elibrary/resource/468235/starters-stem - Use these links to carry out some science activities at home!