Events Summer 2024

Class Assemblies

This term there will be class assemblies to share with our school community and you are most welcome to attend. They will take place on Wednesday at 9.05 in the school hall.

Wednesday 22nd May Year 1

Wednesday 17th July Year 6 - leavers production

Trips and Experiences

Friday 17th May Y2 to Birmingham Botanical Gardens

Wednesday 5th June Y6 to RAF Cosford Air Museum

Friday 14th June Y4 to Walsall Leather Museum

Wednesday 19th June Y6 to back to Backs

Wednesday 26th June Y5 to Walsall Museum

Wednesday 26th June Y3 Roman Day experience in school

Tuesday 2nd July EYFS Balance Bike Day

Reception Graduation

EYFS will be holding their graduation assembly on Wednesday 17th July at 2.15 in the school hall. You are all invited to attend this end of year celebration.


The Y6 SATs will take place the week beginning 13th May. We will be providing breakfast or the children in class before school.

Monday - Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

Tuesday - Reading Comprehension

Wednesday - Arithmetic and Reasonig Paper 1

Thursday - Reasoning Paper 2

Open Evening

We will be holding our termly open evening on Wednedsay 10th July. This will be an opportunity for you to come and see your child's work for the year. No appointments are needed for this.

Year 6 Awards Evening

We will be holding our Y6 awards evening on Thursday 18th July. Families are invited to join us for the awards between 4.00-5.00 and then the children will have a disco 5.00-6.00.

Events Spring 2024

Class Assemblies

This term there will be class assemblies to share with our school community and you are most welcome to attend. They will take place on Wednesday at 9.05 in the school hall.

Wednesday 28th February Year 3

Wednesday 13th March Year 2

Trips and Experiences

Wednesday 17th January Y6 Walking Tour in Birmingham (Slavery)

Tuesday 5th March Y3 to Lapworth Geology Museum

Monday 11th March Living Eggs delivered to EYFS

Spelling Bee

Our annual Spelling Bee competition will take place this term. 

Monday 15th January - Round 1 (whole class)

Monday 22nd January - Round 2 (top 10)

Monday 5th February - EYFS/Y1/Y2 Final

Tuesday 6th February - Y3/Y4 Final

Wednesday 7th February - Y5/Y6 Final

Safer Internet Workshops

PCSO Duncan will be in school on Tuesday 20th February to deliver workshops on Internet safety to Y3-6. Parents are invited to attend the sessions with their children : Y3/4 9.00-10.00 and Y5/6 10.30 - 11.30. Duncan will also be delivering a workhop for parents at 2.30.

Parental Consultation on Academy Trust

The Governing Board at Court Farm Primary School have been exploring the possibility of joining an established academy trust. The proposed Trust, Broadleaf Partnership Trust,  and the School Governing Board  invite you  to attend a consultation meeting on Wednesday 31st January at 2.00 in the school hall to begin a consultation and collect your views before we decide whether to continue down this route. For more information click here.


Thursday 25th January - Boys' Football match @AVFC Brookvale Dome 4.00

Wednesday 21st February - Girls' Football match @ Yardley 5s 4.00

Thursday 22nd February - Boys' Football match @AVFC Brookvale Dome 4.00

Wednesday 20th March - Girls' Football match @ Yardley 5s 4.00

Open Evening

We will be holding our termly open evening on Wednedsay 6th March. This will be an opportunity for you to come and discuss your child's progress so far this year. Appointment times will be organised by the office staff.

Reading Workshops

We are holding a reading workshop for each class and invite you to come along and see how we teach reading in order for you to suppport your children more at home with their reading.

These will all take place on a Thursday between 9.15 - 10.15

Y1 1st February

Y6 22nd February

Y5 29th February

Y2 14th March

Y4 11th April

Y3 25th April


Events Autumn 2023

Open Evening

We will be holding our first open evening of the year on  Wednesday 29th November. This will be an opportunity for you to come and discuss your child's progress so far this year. Appointment times will be organised by the office staff.

Multi-Faith Week

The week beginning 20th November will be our Multi-Faith week. Each year group will study a different faith covering the festivals, places of worship, sacred texts and beliefs of that faith. Year groups will also viist a place of worship during the week as well.


Secondary School Applications

The dealine for applications to secondary school is Tuesday 31st October 2023. Please go to  for more information on the admissions process and the link to apply. If you need any help please come into school and a member of satff will support you in ther process.


Fundraising Group

On Tuesday 17th October we will be holding our first meeting for this group who will come together and look at ways of raising funds for school. If you are interested or have any ideas, please come along to this initial meeting.


Coffee Morning - Benefits Advice

On Tuesday 17th October at 9am, Esther is holding a Coffee Morning with a benefits advisor here in school.
Many parents and carers have expressed worries about the benefit changes coming soon with the move over to Universal Credit. Support will be provided for anyone affected by this change. Also, advice will be given on general benefit entitlement and we have been made aware that many parents who have a child with special educational needs are not receiving a top-up benefit which they are entitled to. Please come along for more information and support.

Meet and Greet

This will be an opportunity for you to meet your child's new teacher and they will set out their expectations and routines  for the year. These meetings will take place at 3.25 in the classroom on the following days:

Year  6 - Monday 25th September 

Year 4 - Tuesday 26th September

Year 5 - Wednesday 27th September

Year 1 - Thursday 28th September

Year 3 - Monday 2nd October

Year 2 - Tuesday 3rd October

Christmas Events

Tuesday 12th December Rudolph Run

Tuesday 12th December EYFS Nativity

Thursday 14th December Christmas Disco

Friday 15th December Christmas Dinner

Friday 15th December Christmas Jumper Day

Friday 15th December Christmas Fair

Wednesday 20th December KS1 Chrstmas Play

Wednesday 20th December KS2 Christmas Carols

Trips and Experiences

Monday 11th September VR headset experience KS2

Wednesday 27th September - Friday 29th September Y6 residential to Blackwell Adventure

Tuesday 17th October - Y4 WMFS workshop

Wednesday 18th October Y3 History workshop - Stone Age Days

Monday 23rd October Y4 Anglo-Saxon Workshop

Thursday 16th November Y2 to Cadbury World

Monday 27th November Y6 to Dudley Zoo

Thursday 30th November Y4 to St John's Museum

Monday 4th December Whole school Christmas Pantomime

Tuesday 5th December  Midlands Air Ambulance Charity Workshops

Monday 11th December Planetarium Workshop 

Wednesday 13th December Y3 to Thinktank

Monday 18th December Y5 to Compton Verney


Thursday 5th October - Boys' Football match @Holly Lane 3.30

Wednesday 11th October - Girls' Football Festival @Erdington Academy 3.30 - 5.30

Wednesday 18th October KS1 Multi-skills Festival @Erdington Academy 3.30 - 5.30

Thursday 26th October - Boys' Football match @Heathlands Primary Academy 3.30

Thursday 23rd November - Boys' Football match @AVFC Brookvale Dome 4.00

EYFS Intake 2024 Open Day

We will be holding two open sessions for prospective families for intake into our Reception class on Monday 7th November 9.15 - 10.15 and Friday 1st December 1.30 -2.30. Please do come along and see our EYFS setting and talk to staff. We look forward to seeing you.


Class assemblies

This term there will be class assemblies to share with our school community and you are all most welcome to attend. They will take place on Wednesday at 9.05 in the school hall.

Wednesday 25th October Year 5

Wednesday 6th December Year 4

Year 6 Residential

Year 6 will be visiting Blackwell Adventure for their residential Wednesday 27th September - Friday 29th September. A member of their staff will be visiting school on Thursday 21st September to do a presentation for parents about how the three days will run. They will also be available to answer any questions you might have about your child's time away.
