Welcome to Year 3

Class contact email : year3@courtfrm.bham.sch.uk

This mailbox will be monitored by Year 3 staff for any school work related queries. 


Year 3 Teacher: Mr Rider  Teaching Assistant: Mrs Holmes


Homework is sent home on a Friday and expected back by the following Thursday. Spellings will be sent home on Fridays and tested the following Friday. Children are expected to read daily at home for 20 minutes.  Please support your children in this area.  They also have access to  TTRockstars.


Our topic focus for History this term is 'Through the Ages'. This project teaches children about British prehistory from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, including changes to people and lifestyle caused by ingenuity, invention, and technological advancement.
We will continue focusing on this topic in English when we will be reading and writing our own version of the narrative 'The Stone Age Boy'. We will also be writing our own instructions, cinquain poems and non-chronological reports. 
In our Big Read sessions, we will be reading 'The BFG' by Roald Dahl. We will read, predict, and comprehend the story using our reading owls. We will use 'APE' (answer, prove and explain) to structure our answers. The children will also have 3 guided reading sessions per week where they will read in small groups with an adult. We encourage children to read at home to help develop their reading fluency and comprehension of texts. 
In Science, our topic is 'Animals including humans'.  This project teaches children about the importance of nutrition for humans and other animals. They will learn about the role of a skeleton and muscles and identify animals with different types of skeletons.


Home Reading

We think technology is great... but we will also be sending children home with a 'real' book of their choice from our home reading selection. Children should be able to decode these books, but they are challenging so we suggest reading to your child or reading a page each to support children and asking questions that check whether your child understands what they have read or listened to.

Reading is a key skill that we want all children to develop. Please read with your children regularly and record this in their planner. It is important that fluent readers have the chance to read and talk about books with an adult.

Times Tables

Please continue to practice times tables. Children have a test on a Friday morning '99 club'. Children were given a help sheet at the start of the year and are encouraged to play games like Hit the Button which is both fun and competitive.

In Year 4 children will have to complete a new national government test on times tables, which will be timed.


PE is on a Tuesday and Wednesday 


Could you please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school. A white t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps are the correct kit. Appropriate footwear is needed and children may bring longer bottoms and a jacket for outdoor activities.  


We encourage children to bring in a healthy snack for break time as KS2, are not provided with fruit. Most children bring in fruit and some are bringing in toast, wrapped in foil, for a little energy boost mid-morning.

Visits and workshops... 

We will be visiting Lapworth Museum on Tuesday 5th March 2024
