Home Learning

Click here to read our Remote Learning Policy


Strategy for home learning

The DfE and OFSTED have made it clear their expectations for schools to make high quality online provision immediately available for children who are having to self-isolate or whilst they wait for a COVID-19 test. This should match the curriculum content of each day as closely as possible.

At Court Farm Primary School we are passionate about our children doing their very best. Therefore, when children are off as a result of self-isolating, we will ensure our children still have access to a broad and balanced curriculum whilst at home.

We will provide learning both online via Google Classroom (in the case of a year group bubble needing to isolate or for when individual children need to isolate) and as a paper copy as required (for children with no internet access). Online and offline resources will be uploaded to Google Classroom to mirror the school day to ensure the children have meaningful and ambitious work each day in a number of subjects. This will only be for children not attending school in circumstances related to Coronavirus.

We will ensure a consistent approach to home learning. We will using Google Classroom as a platform through which learning is accessed so that there is a single point of contact. Online and offline resources be will be uploaded to mirror the school day to ensure the children have meaningful and ambitious work each day in a number of subjects.

We know that you will support us at home with this learning to ensure that your child is able to continue to access the curriculum alongside their peers.

Click here for further details on what to do if your child or child's class are sent home to isolate.

Google Classroom

All children have access to Google classroom where they will find all of their remote learning. Details of how to access Google Classroom were issued alongside the laptop we delivered to you. If you have any issues with logging on to the laptop or accessing Google Classroom please email ITSupport@courtfrm.bham.sch.uk and we will endeavour to solve any problem you may have.


Purple Mash

Your child has been shown how to access work on Purple Mash and will come home with a login. There is also a parent portal for you to access and your password is on your child's login card.

All work during a class isolation or lockdown will be uploaded to Purple Mash for your child to access.

The following documents will help you support your child at home.
