News Summer 2024

Birmingham Botanical Gardens

Year 2 had a fantastic visit to the Botanical Gardens on Friday 17th May. They enjoyed a walk around the Gardens seeing all of the different types of trees and plants and particularly enjoyed finding the venus flytraps. They then had a great interactive lesson about the life cycle of plants.

London Marathon

Children at Court Farm have been helping one of our teachers to prepare for the London Marathon.

Manpreet Johal, the schools Curriculum Lead, is taking on the gruelling 26.2 mile challenge this weekend in aid of the Birmingham Hospice, so far raising over two thousand pounds in donations.

Inspired by Mr Johal’s efforts, Court Farm held its own ‘Marathon Challenge’ this week, with children completing different distances based on the digits 2 and 6, with some of the younger age groups running 2.6 laps of the playground up to the older years taking on 26 laps, whilst some challenged themselves to run non stop for 2 minutes and 6 seconds.

There was also a special assembly on the World’s oldest marathon runner Fauja Singh, a British Sikh who only took up running at the age of 89, and completed the full marathon distance when 100 years old. Showing the children age, young or old, is no barrier to being active and challenging yourself.

Mr Johal says seeing the children be inspired and giving their all has been a welcome boost for him ahead of his own personal efforts this Sunday: “Distance running is hard and the training has been long and intense but the children have kept me going throughout and it’s been great to see them get so involved in it. Many of them can’t believe I’m going to run so far but they know why I’m doing it and why it’s important to support Birmingham Hospice. They provide such amazing care and have supported people connected to the school recently, so it’s really special for us to give whatever we can back to them.”

Despite being an active runner for many years, Sunday will be the first time Mr Johal has taken on the marathon distance, and he’s well aware just how difficult it’s going to be:

“I’ve been running for ten years, completing over 200 parkruns with Sutton Park parkrun being my regular challenge, but going from 5k to 26.2 miles is something else. The training has been a self-discovery journey that I have learnt a lot about myself and how I can challenge myself to keep going. Which I think is really going to be needed, not just to finish on Sunday, but I’ll be back in work teaching on Monday morning!.”

If you’d like to support Mr Johal and the Birmingham Hospice, follow the link here

RAF Cosford

On Wednesday 5th June Y6 really enjoyed their visit to RAF Cosford as part of their topic about World War 2. As well as touring the museum and seeing all the aerolanes they also had a lesson and tried on some flying gear through the ages.


News Spring 2024

Y2 Class Assembly

On Wednesday 13th March, Year 2 delivered a wonderful assembly on significant historical figures. The children shared work that they had done on a number of figures but particularly all about Rosa Parkes. They sang along to Bob Marley and performed a poem by Edward Lear - it was great to hear every word of the assembly. Well done Year 2.


World Book Day

To celebrate World Book day we held a number of events in school. The children were asked to dress a vegetable as a book character, we held our poetry slam in the afternoon and we asked children to donate books in a book drive to donate to children lesws fortunate than themselves. We then delivered just over 100 books to the Children's Book Project.

Lapworth Museum

Year 3 had a very enjoyable visit to Lapworth Geology Museum at Birmingham University on 5th March. This was to support the work they have been doing in class around the Stone Age and fossils. They had the opportunity to look at and learn about fossils around the museum.

Safer Internet Workshops

All of the classes had a very informative safer internet workshop delivered to them by PCSO Duncan. It was lovely to see so many parents join them in the workshop as well. 

Eco Club

Our Eco club has been busy this term clearing out and tidying up the planters in 'Court Farm' in preparation for planting. They have also potted some plants for each class to have in their classroom and some sunflowers ready to go outside.

Y3 Class Assembly

On Wednesday 28th February, Year 3 treated us to a very educational assembly all about fossils. We learnt all about the life of Mary Anning and her fossil discoveries in Lyme Regis and about what fossils are. The whole school enjoyed joining in with the fossil song to the tune of Party Rock Anthem! Have a go at singing it yourself here Fossil Rock Anthem.

Pudding and Pie Cooking Club

A number of our children are having a great time on Friday lunchtimes cooking with Pudding and Pie. As well as learning new cooking skills they are also learning how to cooperate, share and take turns. The children really look forward to this each week and are very enthusiastic. So far the children have cooked pizza pinwheels and rosemary and garlic bread.

Poetry Slam

On Thursday 7th March, we held our annual poetry slam and once again the standard was very high. All classes performed their poems in front of the school and our judging panel.  Congratulations to Year 5 who were our winners for an amazing performance of Gran Can You Rap.

Reception - Open a Book by Jane Baskwill

Year 1 - People Will Always Need People by Benjamin Zephaniah

Year 2 - The Owl and The Pussycat by Edward Lear

Year 3 - Please Mrs Butler by Allan Ahlberg

Year 4 - Television by Roald Dahl

Year 5 - Gran Can You Rap by Jack Ousbey

Year 6 - The Adventures of Isabel by Ogden Nash


Spelling Bee

We had a very successful Spelling Bee competition again this term. All of the children had a list of words to learn and we whittled them down to the final two in each year group for our finals in February. Congratulations to all of the children as the competition was even closer than ever this year. A special congratulations to our winners and runners-up in each year group. The finals were extremely close with extra words needed to find our winners except for Y4 where the finalists couldn't be separated and we had two winners. 

           Winner                   Runner-up

Y1        Fiyi                           Ehsan

Y2        Ellie                          Annabel

Y3        Mohammed            Esther

Y4        Kylie


Y5       Mustafah                 Victor

Y6       Eliana                       Amina



Both the boys' and girls' football teams have been busy this term with matches at the Aston Villa Dome at Brookvale.

The boys have won both of their games with  2v0 and 3v0 victories and the girls have really improved as a team despite three narrow defeats of 0v2, 0v1 and 1v2.

SCARF Workshops

From Monday 29th January to Wednesday 31st January we had a number of PSHE workshops delivered by members of the Life Bus... and Harold. The pupils covered the following areas of PSHE:

Nursery       Taking Care of Myself

Reception    All About Me

Y1                 My Wonderful Body & Taking Care of Our Feelings

Y2                 Feelings & Taking Care of Our Feelings

Y3                Meet the Brain & Protecting Myself - Body and Mind

Y4                It's Great To Be Me & Protecting Myself - Body and Mind  

Y5                Friends

Y6                Decisions 



Reading Workshops

This term we have had a number of reading workshops where staff have shared how to support children at home with learning. These have been well supported and very successful. Many thanks for your atterndance.

News Autumn 2023

Boys' Football

On 23rd November the boys' football team went to play in the new Aston Villa facility at Brookvale and everyone was amazed at the fantastic facilities. . They played two games - beating Featherstone 2v1  and then losing 3v2 to St Peters & Paul. The boys represented the school well and Mr Boden was proud of all of them.

Cadbury World

On 16th November Y2 visited Cadbury World as part of their topic. They learnt all about the history of chocolate, the history of Cadburys, enjoyed the 4D cinema and took part in a workshop. The children had a lovely time and even came home with some chocolate.

Anglo-Saxon Workshop

On Monday 23rd Ocober Y4 enjoyed an Anglo-Saxon Day where they were fully immersed in Anglo-Saxon times and learnt so much about life in Anglo-Saxon times. They learnt lots of new facts, dressed up as Anglo-Saxons and handled many aretfacts of the time.


Year 6 Residential

Year 6 had a great time at Blackwell Adventure between 27-29 September for their residential. The children loved all of the activities and overcame quite a few fears whilst they were there. They supported each other well, giving lots of encouragement to children who found some of the activities quite daunting. Well done Year 6, you were a crdeit to the school.

Faith Week

The week beginning 20th November was our annual faith week. Each year group studied a different faith looking at places of worship, sacred texts, festivals and celebrations and stories. Y1 visited St Martin's to look at a church, Y4 visited a Buddhist pagoda and Y6 visited the Islamic exhibition. 

Girls' Football

On 15th November Mr Boden took the girls' football team along to their first football matches ever and he was so proud of how they did. They worked well as team and showed great resilience despite losing their games. Nyaisha performed heroics in goal and Taylah got their only goal.

TT Rockstars

We had a fantastic competition within school between 14th - 16th November on TT Rockstars. Each class in KS2 competed to see who knew their timestables the best. Each day the childen were allowed an hour by TTR to see how many questions they could get right. The engagement and excitement was amazing across the three days. 

Results in school:

1st Y6      2nd Y5     3rd Y4

1st Oliver    2nd Victor    3rd Lucas

Nationally we were placed 89th out of 4363 schools which is an amazing achievement.

Girls' Football

On 11th October Mr Boden took the girls' football team along to the girls' football festival at Erdington Academy. The team had a great afternoon receiving coaching and they even got to take penalties against Mr Boden.

Boys' Football

Congratulations to the boys' football team who took part in their first matches this year on 5th October. They played two games - drawing 2v2 with the Abbey and then losing 7v3 against St Thomas More. The boys represented the school well and Mr Boden was proud of all of them.

Severn Trent Water Assembly

On Thursday 24th September the school were treated to a very informative assembly from a representative from Severn Trent Water. The theme this year was 'Super Sewers' and the children were educated on what not to put down our toilets and sinks and how this helps to look after our environment.

VR Experience

On Monday 11th September, all of the classes in KS2 took part in a VR experience linked to their topic for this term. Year 3 visited Stonehenge in the past and the present; Y4 all became Vikings, Y5 visited China and Year 6 visited Africa. The children really enjoyed being immersed in these worlds.

News Summer 2023

Mental Health Awareness week

Mental Health Awareness Week is one of the biggest mental health awareness events in the school calendar. Our main focus this year was Anxiety. The children took part in various activities to promote positive mental health. Year 1 talked about what anxiety meant to them and the feelings and sensations that they experience because of this. They shared ways that they can alleviate these feelings and ways they can promote good mental health. The children then completed their support network to identify the people and things in their lives that help them cope.

Year 2 have been using these books as a stimulus to discuss strategies to cope with anxiety: *Today I'm Strong (Nadiya Hussain). *The Colour Monster (Anna Llenas).

The King's Coronation

On Friday 5th May the children enjoyed celebrating the King’s Coronation. Nursery and Reception children had lots of fun decorating biscuits. We had a special Coronation assembly followed by the children having a small tea party in their classrooms towards the end of the day.


News Spring 2023

Spelling Bee

Once again we held our Spelling Bee competition and well done to all of the children for trying hard to learn their spellings. A particular well done to our winners and runners-up this year: 

Rec Winner-Fiyi Runner up- Isiah

Year 2 Winner- Noah Runner up-Yousuf

Year 3 Winner-Ibraheem Runner up-KayDee Year

4 Winner- Mustafa Runner up-Bachir Year

5 Winner- Aminah Runner up- Eliana

Year 6 Joint winners- Saraiyah and Shamiso

Well done to each and every one of you!


Congratulations to the choir who represented us so well on Tuesday 28th March whilst singing at Perry Tree Residential Care Home. It is their second visit this year and all of the residents were impressed and joined in with the songs that they knew.

Mount Pleasant Farm

On Wednesday 8th March, Year 5 enjoyed their Educational visit to Mount Pleasant Farm. The children were respectful and calm travelling around the farm and the snow just added to the enjoyment! Well done Y5 for doing a great job representing Court Farm last week! 


Poetry Slam

On Thursday 2nd March, as part of World Book Day celebrations, all of the children took part in a poetry slam. Every class had tp prepare a poem tp perform to the rest of the school. Every class did an amazing job and there was a real variety of poems perfprmed and our winners were Year 5. They performed an extremely funny poem entitiled 'Conversation Piece' by  Gareth Owen.


Coram Life Education

On Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd February, all of our children participated in a brilliant PSHE workshop hosted by SCARF. This was delivered by Lynn and her buddy, Harold the Giraffe, from @CoramLifeEd All the children engaged really well and enjoyed getting involved! #PSHE #decisionmaking #interactivelearnin.

Lapworth Museum

On Friday 20th January, Y3 had a fantastic visit to Lapworth Museum at Birmingham University.  As part of their year 3 topic, they were learning all about rocks and relics. They had a trail to follow around the museum, they looked at some fossils and then made some fossils of their own to bring home. Everyone had amost enjoyable day.


John Taylor Hospice Bunny Hop

The children had lots of fun this morning in their bunny ears walking/bouncing around the playground in aid of John Taylor Hospice.

We raised a total of: £154.44p 


Court Farm's Got Talent

On Friday 31st March, we held our Court Farm's Got Talent final after each class had put through two acts from their class auditions. We had some very talented finalists with acts ranging from singing to joke telling to sporting achievements. The whole school really enjoyed all of the performances and our winners this year came from Year 4; a duet who sang a rendition of one of the songs that they had learnt in the choir this term. Well done to everyone as it takes a lot of courage to stand up in front of everyone in the hall.

Doodle Boy Art Competition

Thank you to all the children that Joined in with Mr Johal’s ‘Artist of the month’ challenge for March. we have had lots of amazing doodles sent in! With so many entries we decided to split the 6 tickets up and choose 3 winners,. The Winners of the tickets are: 1st place: Shamiso (Y6) 2nd place: Ziyad (Y5) 3rd place: Ava (Y1) Well done to our winners, we hope you enjoy your day out at Grayson’s Art club at The MAC Birmingham on Saturday 13th May!



Children’s Mental Health

This week (6th February) the children have been celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week. Year 1 discussed all the people and things that they feel connected to. A few examples were their families, friends, teachers, music, and art. Year 2 have looked at two books from Anthony Browne and discussed how they cope with worries. they then completed the @place2Be activity of connecting & discussed how they could cope with worries in the future. Year 3 have been thinking about the people they are grateful for.


Pastoral support

Our drop-in coffee morning was a great success on Wednesday 25th January. Lots of parents popped along to have an informal chat with Esther, Mrs Goymer (SENDCO) and Mrs Nicholls. We will be holding these on a regular basis so make sure you keep your eyes open for our next date… coming soon!

Maths Workshops

Many thanks to all of the parents that attended our maths workshops this term from EYFS to Y6. Parents have said that they have been most useful and we even got some Y6 parents having a go at the SATs papers!

News 2021-22

Rocks, Relics and Rumbles

Year 3 had an exciting time making their volcanoes erupt as part of their topic. They built their own volcanoes and then said goodbye to them as they erupted on the playground.

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Cricket Coaching

On the 14th January we were lucky enough to be visited by two cricket coaches from Warwickshire County Cricket. All of the KS2 classes had an hour with the coaches who delivered some fun cricket activities to develop the children's skills. 

Y5/6 Dodgeball

On the 25th November a group of Y6 children took part in the KSSP Dodgeball competition- some of it even took place in the dark with fluorescent paint/ tape used!

The children worked well as a team and won the competition. Well done all!

Inclusion Event

On the 25th November children from across KS2 took part in an Inclusion festival at BCU and they came away with runners-up medals. Well done to all of those that took part.

Sporty week

Mrs Taylor had a very busy with three competitions in one week.

Monday 15th November - a group of children took part in the Y3/4 athletics competition at Stockland Green. They participated in a number of athletic events and had a really enjoyable evening.

Wednesday 17th November - Boys from across the school took part in a Boys festival where they tried out some different sports at Stockland Green.

Friday 19th November - Mrs Taylor took a group of children from across KS2 to a Panathlon competition. It gave the children an insight into the competitive sports that children with disabilities and special needs engage in.

Girls Active

On the 18th October Mrs Taylor took a group of girls to Stockland Green to take part in a girls active day.  this involved the girls in taking part in lots of physical activities that they could share back in school with their friends at breaktime and dinnertime. This is run so that the girls may consider becoming sports apprentices when they move on to secondary school. Well done to all the girls that took part.


The week beginning the 20th September we were lucky to have our Bikeability training for this year. Childern from years 3 and 4 were taught how to ride a bike, how to be safe  and how to look after their bike. Meanwhile, Years 5 and 6 were taught all about riding safely and were taken out on the roads to put their hard work into practice. All of the children were amazing and we now have some very careful cyclists.

Bee Week

We started the year with a WOW writing week based on the book Bee and Me. All of the year groups chose a different genre to produce some writing about bees. everyone had the chance to meet a local beekeeper and there was also a competition for each class to come up with a healthy snack containing honey. The entries were judged on Friday by Mrs Bromley, Mr Husted and Mrs Ross in a special assembly where each class had to present their snack with an advertising campaign. 

Head Boy/Head Girl

Once again this year the appointment of our Head Boy and Head Girl took place. Year 6 had to apply for the position and then the Year 6 team judged which  boys and girls submitted the best applications. Hasan, Jack and Sundar were chosen for the boys and Daisy, Lily Mae and Maddison were chosen for the girls. All of the candidates had to speak to the whole school in assembly and they all did a fantastic job telling the children why they were the best candidate. All of the children and staff then voted and Maddison and Jack were elected. Well done to everyone.

TT Rockstars

On Frday 15th January we launched TT Rockstars in school which is a website that helps children learn their times tables. We had a special assembly to start the day, the children dressed as rockstars and there has been some great work going on with the children even competing against their teacher.


Following our recent inspection, our report is now available here. It was a very positive experience and the school was judged to be Good in all areas. OFSTED reported:

"Raising aspirations is at the heart of Court Farm Primary school. Leaders want pupils to do well  academically and personally. Pupils are encouraged, challenged and
supported to do their best. Leaders are deeply committed to ensuring that pupils can ‘dream, believe, achieve’.
Pupils try hard with their learning. They concentrate on what they are doing andenjoy working together. They are getting much better at remembering what they
have learned. They love to talk about what they know. They share information and key facts with confidence. Teachers help them to make links between different

Routines and expectations are clear. Everyone focuses on learning. Pupils have positive attitudes and behave well in school. They are polite and use good manners.
Pupils show respect to those around them. They are friendly and welcome visitors warmly."
