Welcome to Year 4 - Where the possibilities for success are endless!
Mr Hemraj and Miss Michaelson will be bringing a year of hard-work, dedication, support, care and excitement for your children!
Class teacher contact email : s.hemraj@courtfrm.bham.sch.uk
Homework is sent home every Friday and due back on the following Wednesday.
Spellings are given out and tested once every week on a Friday.
Summer Term 2024
Ancient Civilisations
In the Ancient Civilisations project, your child will learn about three of the earliest civilisations in the world; ancient Sumer, ancient Egypt and the Indus Valley civilisation. They will study the ancient Sumerian and ancient Egyptian civilisation in detail, to discover how crucial factors like water sources and farming helped them to develop and thrive. They will find out about important inventions and the growth of cities. They will also study the lives of different people in society, including the roles of kings and pharaohs. The children will reflect on their learning by identifying the similarities and differences between the two civilisations, before studying the Indus Valley civilisation independently. They will explore sources of evidence about the location of the Indus Valley, cities and trade, and note the reasons why historians know less about the Indus Valley than other ancient civilisations. The children will then compare all three civilisations, before learning about the causes and consequences of each civilisation’s decline. They will also consider whether or not these civilisations left a lasting legacy.
Curriculum Overview
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Class novels:
As part of our reading sessions this term, we will reading The Boy at the Back of the Class, by Onjali Rauf. Time is also set aside everyday for staff to read to children as a whole class and listen to each child read their own books.
We read a section of a key text and have a class discussion about what we have read. The children then answer a key question in APE style (Answer, prove, explain).
Reading is an important life skill and we encourage our children to read all genres of texts both in and outside of school. During Friday's celebration assembly, a child is chosen as "reader of the week".
Need some support with additional resources?
Please note: passwords for the following tools are available if you have lost or can't remember your login details. Please ask Mr Hemraj.
Each child has access to a reading journal. Please ensure you listen to your child read and include comments.
Our reading bingo challenge is back!
Children have been given a booklet to record all of their reading at home and need to fill in a summary and a review of each book they have read.
Please take note that only one award can be given at a time so please take your time to truly enjoy your books and report back to Mr Hemraj once you have read enough to receive either a bronze, silver, gold or platinum award.
Spellings will be sent home every Friday.
We will carry out a spelling tests every Friday, so make sure you keep practising at home!
Times tables
Please continue to practice times tables. Games like Hit the Button can be a fun way to do this at speed. We're also having great fun with Times Table Rock Stars!
The Year 4 Multiplication Check will take place between Monday 3 June 2024- Friday 14 June 2024. Please ensure your child acceses Soundcheck to help prepare for this.